Amanda Cranfill
Co-Owner, Realtor
Amanda is a longtime real estate veteran who assembled this core group of dynamic Realtors. She loves being a part of such a strong group of smart, friendly and successful professionals. Serving others and helping people reach their real estate goals brings joy and satisfaction to Amanda. She knows the buying and selling process can be intimidating, and she loves helping clients navigate through unfamiliar territory.
A real estate agent for nearly two decades, Amanda earned first her stripes in the business at a national franchise before deciding to partner with Ellen Grubb to open Hillsdale Real Estate Group in 2012.
When Amanda Isn’t Selling Real Estate
A domestic goddess, wannabe yogi, and cupcake connoisseur, you’ll often find Amanda and her husband, Darren, on the tennis court in their neighborhood or cheering on their two children at a music recital or tennis match. Amanda has a generous heart for serving others in the Advance community, and her family is active at Calvary West. She is also a fabulous hostess, and enjoys putting her hospitality on full display for her friends and family to enjoy.
Bet You Didn’t Know
Amanda enjoys playing the ukulele and is a master at dreaming up fabulously creative names for nail polish colors (her dream job).
Amanda's Words to Live By
God has given us all different gifts and talents. Recognize those in others, and do your best to cultivate your own.